Generated: Sunday, April 30, 2006, 15:57:07 Copyright © 2006 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the XSL-FO mirror

Kurt Nørmark © Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark.

This is a manual of the XSL-FO mirror, as derived from the RenderX XSLT-FO DTD. The manual contains information which is present in the DTD: information about attributes and the content model. In contrast to the DTD, however, the information in this manual is fully expanded (without the macros defined by 'entities'). In addition, it contains systematic references to the elements of XSL-FO specification on the W3C web site.

Alphabetic index:
fo:basic-link A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:bidi-override A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:block A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:block-container A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:character A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:color-profile A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:conditional-page-master-reference A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:declarations A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:external-graphic A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:float A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:flow A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:footnote A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:footnote-body A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:initial-property-set A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:inline A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:inline-container A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:instream-foreign-object A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:layout-master-set A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:leader A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:list-block A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:list-item A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:list-item-body A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:list-item-label A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:marker A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:multi-case A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:multi-properties A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:multi-property-set A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:multi-switch A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:multi-toggle A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:page-number A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:page-number-citation A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:page-sequence A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:page-sequence-master A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:region-after A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:region-before A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:region-body A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:region-end A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:region-start A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:repeatable-page-master-reference A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:retrieve-marker A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:root A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:simple-page-master A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:single-page-master-reference A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:static-content A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-and-caption A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-body A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-caption A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-cell A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-column A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-footer A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-header A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:table-row A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:title A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
fo:wrapper A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:begin-index-range A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:bookmark A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:bookmark-label A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:end-index-range A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:flow-section A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:index-item A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:meta-field A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:meta-info A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:outline A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:page-index A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
rx:pinpoint A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( rx:meta-info ? , fo:layout-master-set , fo:declarations ? , rx:outline ? , fo:page-sequence + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:root
enclosing element fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
media-usage ( auto | paginate | bounded-in-one-dimension | unbounded ) -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
xmlns:fo * CDATA -
xmlns:rx CDATA -
xmlns:svg CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( rx:meta-field + )
See also enclosing elements fo:root fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
xmlns:rx CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements rx:meta-info fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
name * CDATA -
value * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:color-profile + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:declarations
enclosing elements fo:root fo:instream-foreign-object

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:color-profile
enclosing elements fo:declarations fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
color-profile-name * CDATA -
rendering-intent ( auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inherit ) -
src * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( rx:bookmark + )
See also enclosing elements fo:root fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
xmlns:rx CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( rx:bookmark-label , rx:bookmark * )
See also enclosing elements rx:outline rx:bookmark fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
collapse-subtree ( true | false ) -
external-destination CDATA -
internal-destination CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA)
See also enclosing elements rx:bookmark fo:instream-foreign-object

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:page-sequence-master * , fo:simple-page-master , ( fo:simple-page-master | fo:page-sequence-master ) * )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:layout-master-set
enclosing elements fo:root fo:instream-foreign-object

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( ( fo:single-page-master-reference | fo:repeatable-page-master-reference | fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives ) + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:page-sequence-master
enclosing elements fo:layout-master-set fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
master-name * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:single-page-master-reference
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
master-reference * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
master-reference * CDATA -
maximum-repeats CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:conditional-page-master-reference + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
maximum-repeats CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:conditional-page-master-reference
enclosing elements fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
blank-or-not-blank ( blank | not-blank | any | inherit ) -
master-reference * CDATA -
odd-or-even ( odd | even | any | inherit ) -
page-position ( first | last | rest | any | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:region-body , fo:region-before ? , fo:region-after ? , fo:region-start ? , fo:region-end ? )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:simple-page-master
enclosing elements fo:layout-master-set fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
master-name * CDATA -
page-height CDATA -
page-width CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:region-body
enclosing elements fo:simple-page-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
clip CDATA -
column-count CDATA -
column-gap CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
region-name CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:region-before
enclosing elements fo:simple-page-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
clip CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
extent * CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
precedence ( true | false | inherit ) -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
region-name CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:region-after
enclosing elements fo:simple-page-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
clip CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
extent * CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
precedence ( true | false | inherit ) -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
region-name CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:region-start
enclosing elements fo:simple-page-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
clip CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
extent * CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
precedence ( true | false | inherit ) -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
region-name CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:region-end
enclosing elements fo:simple-page-master fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
clip CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
extent * CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
precedence ( true | false | inherit ) -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
region-name CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:title ? , fo:static-content * , fo:flow )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:page-sequence
enclosing elements fo:root fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
force-page-count ( auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inherit ) -
format CDATA -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
grouping-separator CDATA -
grouping-size CDATA -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
initial-page-number CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
letter-value ( auto | alphabetic | traditional ) -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
master-reference * CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:title
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:static-content
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
flow-name * CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker | rx:flow-section ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:flow
enclosing elements fo:page-sequence fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
flow-name * CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also enclosing elements fo:flow fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
column-count CDATA -
column-gap CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:initial-property-set | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:block
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:block-container
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:bidi-override
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:character
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
character * CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
language CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:initial-property-set
enclosing elements fo:block fo:instream-foreign-object
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
language CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:external-graphic
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
content-height CDATA -
content-type CDATA -
content-width CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
end-indent CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
height CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
left CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
scaling ( uniform | non-uniform | inherit ) -
scaling-method ( auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inherit ) -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
src CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
vertical-align CDATA -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
width CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ANY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:instream-foreign-object
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
content-height CDATA -
content-type CDATA -
content-width CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
end-indent CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
height CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
left CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
scaling ( uniform | non-uniform | inherit ) -
scaling-method ( auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inherit ) -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
vertical-align CDATA -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
width CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
left CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
top CDATA -
value * CDATA -
vertical-align CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:inline
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:footnote fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) *
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:inline-container
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:leader
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:page-number
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
language CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:page-number-citation
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
language CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
ref-id * CDATA -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
id * CDATA -
rx:key * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
ref-id * CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( rx:index-item + )
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
list-separator CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object rx:page-index
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
language CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
link-back CDATA -
merge-subsequent-page-numbers CDATA -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
range-separator CDATA -
ref-key * CDATA -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-caption ? , fo:table )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-and-caption
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-caption
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table-and-caption
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-column * , fo:table-header ? , fo:table-footer ? , fo:table-body + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:table-and-caption fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
rx:table-omit-initial-header ( true | false ) -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-column
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
column-number CDATA -
column-width CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
number-columns-repeated CDATA -
number-columns-spanned CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-row + | fo:table-cell + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-header
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-row + | fo:table-cell + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-footer
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-row + | fo:table-cell + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-body
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:table-cell + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-row
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table-header fo:table-footer fo:table-body
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:table-cell
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:table-header fo:table-footer fo:table-body fo:table-row
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
column-number CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
ends-row ( true | false ) -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
number-columns-spanned CDATA -
number-rows-spanned CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
starts-row ( true | false ) -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:list-item + )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:list-block
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:list-item-label , fo:list-item-body )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:list-item
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:list-block
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:list-item-label
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:list-item
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:list-item-body
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:list-item
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:float
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:inline , fo:footnote-body )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:footnote
enclosing elements fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:table-and-caption | fo:table | fo:list-block | fo:footnote | fo:float | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-properties | fo:wrapper | fo:marker | fo:retrieve-marker ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:footnote-body
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:footnote
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:basic-link
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
destination-placement-offset CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
external-destination CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
indicate-destination ( true | false ) -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
internal-destination CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
show-destination ( replace | new ) -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
target-presentation-context CDATA -
target-processing-context CDATA -
target-stylesheet CDATA -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle fo:multi-properties
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
marker-class-name CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also enclosing elements fo:title fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
retrieve-boundary ( page | page-sequence | document ) -
retrieve-class-name CDATA -
retrieve-position ( first-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover | last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-page ) -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:multi-case ) +
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:multi-switch
enclosing elements fo:title fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
auto-restore ( true | false ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:block | fo:block-container | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:list-block | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:table | fo:table-and-caption | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:multi-case
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:multi-switch
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
case-name CDATA -
case-title CDATA -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
starting-state CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model (#PCDATA | fo:basic-link | fo:bidi-override | fo:character | fo:external-graphic | fo:float | fo:footnote | fo:inline | fo:inline-container | fo:instream-foreign-object | fo:leader | fo:marker | fo:multi-properties | fo:multi-switch | fo:multi-toggle | fo:page-number | fo:page-number-citation | fo:retrieve-marker | fo:wrapper | rx:begin-index-range | rx:end-index-range | rx:page-index | rx:pinpoint )*
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:multi-toggle
enclosing elements fo:title fo:block fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:leader fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
switch-to CDATA -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model ( fo:multi-property-set + , fo:wrapper )
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:multi-properties
enclosing elements fo:title fo:static-content fo:flow rx:flow-section fo:block fo:block-container fo:bidi-override fo:instream-foreign-object fo:inline fo:inline-container fo:leader fo:table-caption fo:table-cell fo:list-item-label fo:list-item-body fo:float fo:footnote-body fo:basic-link fo:wrapper fo:marker fo:multi-case fo:multi-toggle
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Description A Scheme mirror function of an XML element, as defined in the fo XML DTD.
XML content model EMPTY
See also XSL FO Specification Details fo:multi-property-set
enclosing elements fo:instream-foreign-object fo:multi-properties
XML attributes
Required: *
Default values: red
absolute-position ( auto | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
active-state * ( link | visited | active | hover | focus ) -
alignment-adjust CDATA -
alignment-baseline ( auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | top | text-top | bottom | text-bottom | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inherit ) -
azimuth CDATA -
background CDATA -
background-attachment ( scroll | fixed | inherit ) -
background-color CDATA -
background-image CDATA -
background-position CDATA -
background-position-horizontal CDATA -
background-position-vertical CDATA -
background-repeat ( repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inherit ) -
baseline-shift CDATA -
block-progression-dimension CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
block-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
border CDATA -
border-after-color CDATA -
border-after-precedence CDATA -
border-after-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-after-width CDATA -
border-after-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-after-width.length CDATA -
border-before-color CDATA -
border-before-precedence CDATA -
border-before-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-before-width CDATA -
border-before-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-before-width.length CDATA -
border-bottom CDATA -
border-bottom-color CDATA -
border-bottom-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-bottom-width CDATA -
border-bottom-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-bottom-width.length CDATA -
border-collapse ( collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inherit ) -
border-color CDATA -
border-end-color CDATA -
border-end-precedence CDATA -
border-end-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-end-width CDATA -
border-end-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-end-width.length CDATA -
border-left CDATA -
border-left-color CDATA -
border-left-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-left-width CDATA -
border-left-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-left-width.length CDATA -
border-right CDATA -
border-right-color CDATA -
border-right-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-right-width CDATA -
border-right-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-right-width.length CDATA -
border-separation CDATA -
border-separation.block-progression-direction CDATA -
border-separation.inline-progression-direction CDATA -
border-spacing CDATA -
border-start-color CDATA -
border-start-precedence CDATA -
border-start-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-start-width CDATA -
border-start-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-start-width.length CDATA -
border-style CDATA -
border-top CDATA -
border-top-color CDATA -
border-top-style ( none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | inherit ) -
border-top-width CDATA -
border-top-width.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
border-top-width.length CDATA -
border-width CDATA -
bottom CDATA -
break-after ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
break-before ( auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inherit ) -
caption-side ( before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inherit ) -
clear ( start | end | left | right | both | none | inherit ) -
clip CDATA -
color CDATA -
country CDATA -
cue CDATA -
cue-after CDATA -
cue-before CDATA -
direction ( ltr | rtl | inherit ) -
display-align ( auto | before | center | after | inherit ) -
dominant-baseline ( auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inherit ) -
elevation CDATA -
empty-cells ( show | hide | inherit ) -
end-indent CDATA -
float ( before | start | end | left | right | none | inherit ) -
font CDATA -
font-family CDATA -
font-selection-strategy ( auto | character-by-character | inherit ) -
font-size CDATA -
font-size-adjust CDATA -
font-stretch ( normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit ) -
font-style ( normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inherit ) -
font-variant ( normal | small-caps | inherit ) -
font-weight ( normal | bold | bolder | lighter | inherit | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 ) -
glyph-orientation-horizontal ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
glyph-orientation-vertical ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
height CDATA -
hyphenate ( false | true | inherit ) -
hyphenation-character CDATA -
hyphenation-keep ( auto | column | page | inherit ) -
hyphenation-ladder-count CDATA -
hyphenation-push-character-count CDATA -
hyphenation-remain-character-count CDATA -
id CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.maximum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.minimum CDATA -
inline-progression-dimension.optimum CDATA -
intrusion-displace ( auto | none | line | indent | block | inherit ) -
keep-together CDATA -
keep-together.within-column CDATA -
keep-together.within-line CDATA -
keep-together.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-next CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-next.within-page CDATA -
keep-with-previous CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-column CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-line CDATA -
keep-with-previous.within-page CDATA -
language CDATA -
last-line-end-indent CDATA -
leader-alignment ( none | reference-area | page | inherit ) -
leader-length CDATA -
leader-length.maximum CDATA -
leader-length.minimum CDATA -
leader-length.optimum CDATA -
leader-pattern ( space | rule | dots | use-content | inherit ) -
leader-pattern-width CDATA -
left CDATA -
letter-spacing CDATA -
letter-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
letter-spacing.maximum CDATA -
letter-spacing.minimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.optimum CDATA -
letter-spacing.precedence CDATA -
line-height CDATA -
line-height-shift-adjustment CDATA -
line-height.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
line-height.maximum CDATA -
line-height.minimum CDATA -
line-height.optimum CDATA -
line-height.precedence CDATA -
line-stacking-strategy ( line-height | font-height | max-height | inherit ) -
linefeed-treatment ( ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherit ) -
margin CDATA -
margin-bottom CDATA -
margin-left CDATA -
margin-right CDATA -
margin-top CDATA -
max-height CDATA -
max-width CDATA -
min-height CDATA -
min-width CDATA -
orphans CDATA -
overflow ( visible | hidden | scroll | auto | error-if-overflow | inherit ) -
padding CDATA -
padding-after CDATA -
padding-after.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-after.length CDATA -
padding-before CDATA -
padding-before.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-before.length CDATA -
padding-bottom CDATA -
padding-bottom.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-bottom.length CDATA -
padding-end CDATA -
padding-end.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-end.length CDATA -
padding-left CDATA -
padding-left.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-left.length CDATA -
padding-right CDATA -
padding-right.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-right.length CDATA -
padding-start CDATA -
padding-start.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-start.length CDATA -
padding-top CDATA -
padding-top.conditionality ( discard | retain ) -
padding-top.length CDATA -
page-break-after ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-before ( auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit ) -
page-break-inside ( avoid | auto | inherit ) -
pause CDATA -
pause-after CDATA -
pause-before CDATA -
pitch CDATA -
pitch-range CDATA -
play-during CDATA -
position ( static | relative | absolute | fixed | inherit ) -
provisional-distance-between-starts CDATA -
provisional-label-separation CDATA -
reference-orientation ( 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | 0deg | 90deg | 180deg | 270deg | -90deg | -180deg | -270deg | inherit ) -
relative-align ( before | baseline | inherit ) -
relative-position ( auto | static | relative | inherit ) -
richness CDATA -
right CDATA -
role CDATA -
rule-style ( none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inherit ) -
rule-thickness CDATA -
rx:background-content-height CDATA -
rx:background-content-type CDATA -
rx:background-content-width CDATA -
rx:background-scaling ( uniform | non-uniform ) -
rx:key CDATA -
score-spaces ( true | false | inherit ) -
script CDATA -
source-document CDATA -
space-after CDATA -
space-after.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-after.maximum CDATA -
space-after.minimum CDATA -
space-after.optimum CDATA -
space-after.precedence CDATA -
space-before CDATA -
space-before.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-before.maximum CDATA -
space-before.minimum CDATA -
space-before.optimum CDATA -
space-before.precedence CDATA -
space-end CDATA -
space-end.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-end.maximum CDATA -
space-end.minimum CDATA -
space-end.optimum CDATA -
space-end.precedence CDATA -
space-start CDATA -
space-start.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
space-start.maximum CDATA -
space-start.minimum CDATA -
space-start.optimum CDATA -
space-start.precedence CDATA -
span ( none | all | inherit ) -
speak ( normal | none | spell-out | inherit ) -
speak-header ( once | always | inherit ) -
speak-numeral ( digits | continuous | inherit ) -
speak-punctuation ( code | none | inherit ) -
speech-rate CDATA -
start-indent CDATA -
stress CDATA -
suppress-at-line-break ( auto | suppress | retain | inherit ) -
table-layout ( auto | fixed | inherit ) -
table-omit-footer-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
table-omit-header-at-break ( true | false | inherit ) -
text-align ( start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-align-last ( relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inherit ) -
text-altitude CDATA -
text-decoration NMTOKENS -
text-depth CDATA -
text-indent CDATA -
text-shadow CDATA -
text-transform ( capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inherit ) -
top CDATA -
treat-as-word-space ( auto | true | false | inherit ) -
unicode-bidi ( normal | embed | bidi-override | inherit ) -
vertical-align CDATA -
visibility ( visible | hidden | collapse | inherit ) -
voice-family CDATA -
volume CDATA -
white-space ( normal | pre | nowrap | inherit ) -
white-space-collapse ( false | true | inherit ) -
white-space-treatment ( ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inherit ) -
widows CDATA -
width CDATA -
word-spacing CDATA -
word-spacing.conditionality ( retain | discard ) -
word-spacing.maximum CDATA -
word-spacing.minimum CDATA -
word-spacing.optimum CDATA -
word-spacing.precedence CDATA -
wrap-option ( no-wrap | wrap | inherit ) -
writing-mode ( lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inherit ) -
xml:lang CDATA -
z-index CDATA -

Mirror Information Appendix.
Mirror name: xsl-fo
Automatic loading of common XML-in-LAML library? No
List of action elements ()
Generation of named mirror functions: Yes
Mirror name prefix: None
Transliteration of CDATA? Yes
List of elements for which transliteration does not apply: '()
List of elements for which all white spacing is preserved: '()
Name of HTML character transformation table: html-char-transformation-table
Are default DTD attributes passed explicitly? No
Are attributes only allowed to be text strings? No
Is extended textual contents allowed? No
Is white space represented by this mirror? Yes
How are duplicated XML attributes handled: 'keep-first

Generated: Sunday, April 30, 2006, 15:57:47
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 31.0 (April 11, 2006, full, beta-1)