; The LAML library and programs written by Kurt Normark, Aalborg University, Denmark.
; Copyright (C) 1999  Kurt Normark.
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
;;;; .title Reference Manual of the MzScheme LAML compatibility libray. ;;;; MzScheme specific stuff to be loaded for compatibility. ;;;; This file implements each of the necessary non-R5RS functions mentioned in the ;;;; root documentation of the LAML system. Notice that some of the non-standard Scheme functions used ;;;; in LAML already happens to exist in MzScheme. These are ;;;; file-exists?, delete-file, copy-file, and directory-exists? ;;;; Therefore, these functions need not to be provided in this compatibility library.
(require (lib "compat.ss")) (require (lib "url.ss" "net"))
;;; Definition of non-R5RS Scheme functions. ;;; The functions in this section are general purpose functions which happen ;;; not to be in the Scheme standard (R5RS).

(define (current-time) (current-seconds))
(define (sort-list list com) (if (null? list) list (sort com list)))
(define (make-directory-in-directory in-directory-path new-dir) (make-directory (string-append in-directory-path new-dir)))
(define (mail receiver title contents) (error "The mail function is not implemented in this configuration")) ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(define (bound? symbol) (if (memq symbol (namespace-mapped-symbols)) #t #f))
(define eval-cur-env eval) ; Version 29: Does not work fully correct. Reports success for existing server but non-existing file. ; (define (url-target-exists? url-string) ; (with-handlers ((exn? ; (lambda (exn) #f))) ; (let ((ip (get-pure-port (string->url url-string)))) ; (close-input-port ip) ; #t)))

(define (url-target-exists? url-string) (let* ((result (read-http-alist url-string)) (status (as-number (defaulted-get 'status result "0")))) (cond ((and (>= status 200) (<= status 399)) #t) (else #f))))
;;; LAML specific, context definition functions. ;;; The functions in this section return and define the activation context of the LAML processor.

(define (laml-canonical-command-line) (if (and (vector? argv) (>= (vector-length argv) 2)) (list 'laml (file-name-proper (vector-ref argv 0)) (transliterate (vector-ref argv 1) #\\ "/") ; ensure forward slashing
(if (>= (vector-length argv) 3) (cddr (vector->list argv)) '()) ; Before august 18, 2008: (if (>= (vector-length argv) 3) (vector-ref argv 2)) ; Playing with: (if (>= (vector-length argv) 3) (cddr (vector->list argv)) '())
) #f))
(define (fake-startup-parameters source-file startup-dir . program-parameters) (set! argv (list->vector (append (list source-file startup-dir) program-parameters)))) ; Earlier version: ; (define (fake-startup-parameters source-file startup-dir . optional-parameter-list) ; (let ((program-parameters (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list '())) ; (a (make-vector 3 #f))) ; (vector-set! a 0 source-file) ; (vector-set! a 1 startup-dir) ; (vector-set! a 2 program-parameters) ; (set! argv a)))
(error-print-width 1000) (read-case-sensitive #t)