; The LAML library and programs written by Kurt Normark, Aalborg University, Denmark.
; Copyright (C) 1999  Kurt Normark.
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
;;;; This library provides a number of functions that reads a string from a text file, ;;;; and functions which write a string to a text file. ;;;; In particular the library supports very useful functions that read selected parts of a text file to strings.<p> ;;;; The main functions are: read-text-file and write-text-file. ;;;; The selective reading functions are read-text-file-between-marks and read-text-file-including-marks. ;;;; .title Reference Manual of the Text File Reading and Writing Library
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Reading stuff.
(define (read-text-file file-name) (let* ((ip (open-input-file file-name)) (res (read-text-file-from-input-port ip))) (close-input-port ip) res)) (define file-chunck 1000)
(define (read-text-file-from-input-port input-port) (let* ((res (read-text-file-portion input-port file-chunck))) (if (not (eof-object? (peek-char input-port))) (string-append res (read-text-file-from-input-port input-port)) res))) (define (read-text-file-portion input-port portion) ; read up to portion characters from input-port
(let ((str (make-string portion #\space))) (read-into-string input-port str 0 portion))) (define (read-into-string input-port str position max) ; read up to max characters into str in a tail recursive fashion. ; return the string
(if (= position max) str (let ((ch (read-char input-port))) (cond ((eof-object? ch) (substring str 0 position)) (else (begin (string-set! str position ch) (read-into-string input-port str (+ position 1) max))))))) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; File reading between marks.
(define state-list '()) ; for debugging purposes
(define debugging-with-marks #f)
(define (read-text-file-between-marks file-name mark) (set! current-state 'skip) (if debugging-with-marks (set! state-list (list 'skip))) (let* ((ip (open-input-file file-name)) (res (read-text-file-from-input-port-with-marks ip mark))) (close-input-port ip) (set! current-state 'skip) res)) (define file-chunck-with-marks 1000) (define current-state 'skip) (define (read-text-file-from-input-port-with-marks input-port mark) ; return the textual contents of file-name, as a string
(let* ((res (read-text-file-portion-with-marks input-port file-chunck-with-marks mark))) (if (not (eof-object? (peek-char input-port))) (string-append res (read-text-file-from-input-port-with-marks input-port mark)) res))) (define (read-text-file-portion-with-marks input-port portion mark) ; read up to portion characters from input-port
(let ((str (make-string portion #\space))) (read-into-string-with-marks input-port str 0 portion mark))) (define (read-into-string-with-marks input-port str position max mark) ; read up to max characters into str in a tail recursive fashion. Return the string.
(if (= position max) str (let ((ch (read-char input-port))) (cond ((eof-object? ch) (substring str 0 position)) (else (let* ((trans-result (transition current-state ch mark)) (next-state (car trans-result)) (output-function (cdr trans-result)) (output-string (output-function current-state next-state ch mark))) (if debugging-with-marks (set! state-list (cons next-state state-list))) (put-into-string! str position output-string) (set! current-state next-state) (read-into-string-with-marks input-port str (+ position (string-length output-string)) max mark))))))) (define (put-into-string! str position addition) (if (> (string-length addition) 0) (begin (string-set! str position (string-ref addition 0)) (put-into-string! str (+ 1 position) (substring addition 1 (string-length addition)))))) ; ------------------------------------------------- ; The state machine controlling the reading process between marks ; The marks are not included in the text returned
; States are either a symbol or a number: ; The symbol skip: Do not collect the character read. ; The symbol skip-rest: Reading is done. Never collect more characters. ; (prevents re-reading after marked region). ; The symbol collect: Do collect the character read. ; A positive number n: We have recognized n characters of the mark ; from a skipping state towards a collecting state ; A negative number n: We have recognized -n characters of the mark ; from collecting state towards a skipping state. ; ; Observation: In negatively numbered states, we have to output a partially ; matched mark. This is done by output-pending-mark.
(define (output-skip in-state out-state char mark) "") (define (output-let-go in-state out-state char mark) (as-string char)) (define (output-pending-mark in-state out-state char mark) ; output the portion of the mark already read
(substring mark 0 (abs in-state))) (define (transition in-state char mark) (let ((mark0 (string-ref mark 0))) ; first char in mark
(cond ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'skip)) (cond ((eqv? char mark0) (cons 1 output-skip)) (else (cons 'skip output-skip)))) ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'collect)) (cond ((eqv? char mark0) (cons -1 output-skip)) (else (cons 'collect output-let-go)))) ((and (positive-number? in-state) (< in-state (string-length mark)) (cond ((eqv? char (string-ref mark in-state)) (cons (+ in-state 1) output-skip)) (else (cons 'skip output-skip))))) ((and (positive-number? in-state) (= in-state (string-length mark))) (cons 'collect output-let-go)) ((and (negative-number? in-state) (< (abs in-state) (string-length mark))) (cond ((eqv? char (string-ref mark (abs in-state))) (cons (- in-state 1) output-skip)) (else (cons 'collect output-pending-mark)))) ((and (negative-number? in-state) (= (abs in-state) (string-length mark))) (cons 'skip-rest output-skip)) ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'skip-rest)) (cons 'skip-rest output-skip)) ))) (define (positive-number? x) (and (number? x) (> x 0))) (define (negative-number? x) (and (number? x) (< x 0))) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; File reading including start-mark and end-mark ; We support potential different start and end marks
(define (read-text-file-including-marks file-name start-mark end-mark) (set! current-state 'skip) (if debugging-with-marks (set! state-list (list 'skip))) (let* ((ip (open-input-file file-name)) (res (read-text-file-from-input-port-including-marks ip start-mark end-mark))) (close-input-port ip) (set! current-state 'skip) res)) (define (read-text-file-from-input-port-including-marks input-port start-mark end-mark) ; return the textual contents of file-name, as a string
(let* ((res (read-text-file-portion-including-marks input-port file-chunck-with-marks start-mark end-mark))) (if (not (eof-object? (peek-char input-port))) (string-append res (read-text-file-from-input-port-including-marks input-port start-mark end-mark)) res))) (define (read-text-file-portion-including-marks input-port portion start-mark end-mark) ; read up to portion characters from input-port
(let ((str (make-string portion #\space))) (read-into-string-including-marks input-port str 0 portion start-mark end-mark))) (define (read-into-string-including-marks input-port str position max start-mark end-mark) ; read up to max characters into str in a tail recursive fashion. Return the string.
(if (= position max) str (let ((ch (read-char input-port))) (cond ((eof-object? ch) (substring str 0 position)) (else (let* ((trans-result (transition1 current-state ch start-mark end-mark)) (next-state (car trans-result)) (output-function (cdr trans-result)) (output-string (output-function current-state next-state ch start-mark end-mark))) (if debugging-with-marks (set! state-list (cons next-state state-list))) (put-into-string! str position output-string) (set! current-state next-state) (read-into-string-including-marks input-port str (+ position (string-length output-string)) max start-mark end-mark))))))) (define (put-into-string! str position addition) (if (> (string-length addition) 0) (begin (string-set! str position (string-ref addition 0)) (put-into-string! str (+ 1 position) (substring addition 1 (string-length addition)))))) ; ------------------------------------------------- ; The state machine controlling the reading process between marks ; The marks are not included in the text returned
; States are either a symbol or a number: ; The symbol skip: Do not collect the character read. ; The symbol skip-rest: Reading is done. Never collect more characters. ; (prevents re-reading after marked region). ; The symbol collect: Do collect the character read. ; A positive number n: We have recognized n characters of the start mark, ; from a skipping state towards a collecting state ; A negative number n: We have recognized -n characters of the end-mark, ; from collecting state towards a skipping state. ; ; Observation: In negatively numbered states, we have to output a partially ; matched mark. This is done by output-pending-mark.
(define (output-skip1 in-state out-state char start-mark end-mark) "") (define (output-let-go1 in-state out-state char start-mark end-mark) (as-string char)) (define (output-pending-start-mark in-state out-state char start-mark end-mark) ; output the portion of the mark already read
(string-append start-mark (as-string char))) (define (output-pending-end-mark in-state out-state char start-mark end-mark) ; output the portion of the mark already read
(substring end-mark 0 (abs in-state))) (define (transition1 in-state char start-mark end-mark) (let ((mark0 (string-ref start-mark 0)) ; first char in start-mark
(markn (string-ref end-mark 0)) ; first char in end-mark
) (cond ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'skip)) (cond ((eqv? char mark0) (cons 1 output-skip1)) (else (cons 'skip output-skip1)))) ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'collect)) (cond ((eqv? char markn) (cons -1 output-let-go1)) (else (cons 'collect output-let-go1)))) ((and (positive-number? in-state) (< in-state (string-length start-mark)) (cond ((eqv? char (string-ref start-mark in-state)) (cons (+ in-state 1) output-skip1)) (else (cons 'skip output-skip1))))) ((and (positive-number? in-state) (= in-state (string-length start-mark))) (cons 'collect output-pending-start-mark)) ((and (negative-number? in-state) (< (abs in-state) (string-length end-mark))) (cond ((eqv? char (string-ref end-mark (abs in-state))) (cons (- in-state 1) output-let-go1)) (else (cons 'collect output-let-go1)))) ((and (negative-number? in-state) (= (abs in-state) (string-length end-mark))) (cons 'skip-rest output-skip1)) ((and (symbol? in-state) (eq? in-state 'skip-rest)) (cons 'skip-rest output-skip1)) ))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(define (code-example file . mark) (let ((code-text (if (null? mark) (read-text-file file) (read-text-file-between-marks file (car mark))))) code-text)) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Writing stuff.

(define (write-text-file str file-name . optional-parameter-list) (let ((suppress-cr (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (if (file-exists? file-name) (delete-file file-name)) (let* ((op (open-output-file file-name))) (write-text-file-to-port str op suppress-cr) (close-output-port op))))
(define (write-string-to-port str port . optional-parameter-list) (let ((suppress-cr (optional-parameter 1 optional-parameter-list #f))) (write-text-file-to-port str port suppress-cr)))
(define (write-port-strings port . strings) (for-each (lambda (str) (write-string-to-port str port)) strings)) (define (write-text-file-to-port str port suppress-cr) (write-text-file-to-port-1 0 (string-length str) str port suppress-cr)) (define (write-text-file-to-port-1 i max str port suppress-cr) (if (< i max) (begin (let ((ch (string-ref str i))) (if suppress-cr (if (not (eqv? ch #\return)) (write-char ch port)) (write-char ch port)) (write-text-file-to-port-1 (+ i 1) max str port suppress-cr)))))