Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:18:34 Copyright © 2011 , Kurt Nørmark The local LAML software home page

Reference Manual of the MzScheme LAML compatibility libray.

Kurt Nørmark © Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark.

LAML Source file: lib/compatibility/star_star_mzscheme-200.scm

MzScheme specific stuff to be loaded for compatibility. This file implements each of the necessary non-R5RS functions mentioned in the root documentation of the LAML system. Notice that some of the non-standard Scheme functions used in LAML already happens to exist in MzScheme. These are file-exists?, delete-file, copy-file, and directory-exists? Therefore, these functions need not to be provided in this compatibility library.

Table of Contents:
1. Definition of non-R5RS Scheme functions. 2. LAML specific, context definition functions.

Alphabetic index:
bound? (bound? symbol) Is symbol bound in the current interaction environment.
current-time (current-time) Return the current time in seconds
eval-cur-env (eval-cur-env e) Eval the expression e in the current interaction environment.
fake-startup-parameters (fake-startup-parameters source-file startup-dir . program-parameters) Fake the contextual startup parameters to a specific source file name and a specific startup directory.
laml-canonical-command-line (laml-canonical-command-line) Return the contextual command line information passed to LAML upon activation.
mail (mail receiver title contents) Mail sending support: Send an email to a receiver.
make-directory-in-directory (make-directory-in-directory in-directory-path new-dir) Make a new directory, new-dir, in the directory path (first parameter).
sort-list (sort-list list com) Sort list using the comparison predicate
url-target-exists? (url-target-exists? url-string) Return whether the target of the url, as represented by url-string, exits.

1 Definition of non-R5RS Scheme functions.
The functions in this section are general purpose functions which happen not to be in the Scheme standard (R5RS).

Form (current-time)
Description Return the current time in seconds

Form (sort-list list com)
Description Sort list using the comparison predicate

Form (make-directory-in-directory in-directory-path new-dir)
Description Make a new directory, new-dir, in the directory path (first parameter). The parameter in-directory-path ends in a slash.

Form (mail receiver title contents)
Description Mail sending support: Send an email to a receiver. Not implemented on mzscheme on the PC platform.

Form (bound? symbol)
Description Is symbol bound in the current interaction environment.

Form (eval-cur-env e)
Description Eval the expression e in the current interaction environment.

Form (url-target-exists? url-string)
Description Return whether the target of the url, as represented by url-string, exits. Notice that this version of url-target-exists? is rather expensive, because it actually transfers the document over the network. It also requires the LAML library url-read.scm, which is not part of the standard LAML distribution.

2 LAML specific, context definition functions.
The functions in this section return and define the activation context of the LAML processor.

Form (laml-canonical-command-line)
Description Return the contextual command line information passed to LAML upon activation. Returns a list of length four or #f if no command line activation exists. The first element must be the symbol laml (a tag). Element number two must be the laml source file name (without extension and initial path). Element number three must be a slash terminated, full directory path (with forward slashes), in which the source file resides. Element number four must be a list of program parameters. This function must be redefined in Scheme-system/OS/platform dependent compatibility file.

Form (fake-startup-parameters source-file startup-dir . program-parameters)
Description Fake the contextual startup parameters to a specific source file name and a specific startup directory. source-file and startup-dir must be strings, or the boolean value #f (in case the informations are unknown). Source-file must be a file name without initial path and without extension. start-dir must be an absolute path to a directory ending in a slash /. program-parameters are strings. Notice the correct calling form of this function is (fake-startup-parameters "source" "dir" "p1" "p2" "p3") The following calling form is wrong: (fake-startup-parameters "source" "dir" ("p1" "p2" "p3")). This function is used for programmatic startup of LAML. This function must be redefined in scheme-system dependent compatibility file

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:18:34
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)