Generated: Saturday, June 9, 2007, 14:48:44 A SchemeDoc Manual

The program prog4

Kurt Nørmark Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Source file: /user/normark/scheme/examples/tutorial/schemedoc/prog4.scm

This is a demo manual, written to show additional aspects of SchemeDoc. These are use of .section-id, cross references among sections, and use of the escape character $.

Table of Contents:
1. The fac and fib functions. 2. A couple of higher order function.

Alphabetic index:
compose (compose f g) A higher order function that composes two functions.
fac (fac n) Calculate the factorial of n
fib (fib n) Calculated the fib function.
negate (negate p) A higher order functions which negates the predicate p.

1 The fac and fib functions.
These functions are found in the source file prog4.scm. The manual stuff for these is done via SchemeDoc. See also the other section.

Form (fac n)
Description Calculate the factorial of n

Form (fib n)
Description Calculated the fib function. Notice that this is a very inefficient Implementation.

2 A couple of higher order function.
These functions are useful in many situations. You may also consult the first section.

Form (negate p)
Description A higher order functions which negates the predicate p. Negate accepts a predicate and returns the negated predicate.
.parameter In case I need to start this line with a dot, which is not an internal tag.
Parameters p A predicate

Form (compose f g)
Description A higher order function that composes two functions. Returns a function which applies f on g. Both f and g are supposed to take a single argument. It is possible to use the escaping character $ by escaping it. Thus, to writte dolar twice, you must write $$.
Returns Return value description
See also section abc
section SECTION2
Note Miscelaneous information
Internal remark Internal comment

Generated: Saturday, June 9, 2007, 14:48:44
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 32.2 (June 7, 2007, full)