Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:23:52 A SchemeDoc Manual

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Source file: /user/normark/scheme/examples/schemedoc/../../lib/color.scm

Some abstract. As an example we extract interface documention from the color library.

Table of Contents:
1. Primary color encoding function. 3. Color constructor, predicate, and selectors.
2. Secondary color encoding functions. 4. Color constants.

Alphabetic index:
aqua aqua A color constant.
black black A color constant.
blue blue A color constant.
blue-of-rgb-color (blue-of-rgb-color color) Return the blue constituent of the color.
blue1 blue1 A color constant.
blue2 blue2 A color constant.
blue3 blue3 A color constant.
brown brown A color constant.
dark-red dark-red A color constant.
dark-yellow dark-yellow A color constant.
fuchsia fuchsia A color constant.
green green A color constant.
green-of-rgb-color (green-of-rgb-color color) Return the green constituent of the color.
green1 green1 A color constant.
green2 green2 A color constant.
grey grey A color constant.
grey1 grey1 A color constant.
grey2 grey2 A color constant.
light-blue light-blue A color constant.
lime lime A color constant.
make-color (make-color r g b) Make and return the rgb-list representation of the color with r red, g green, and b blue.
make-rgb-color (make-rgb-color r g b) Make and return a color represented by a red, green and blue constituent.
maroon maroon A color constant.
navy navy A color constant.
olive olive A color constant.
orange orange A color constant.
purple purple A color constant.
red red A color constant.
red-of-rgb-color (red-of-rgb-color color) Return the red constituent of the LAML color.
rgb-color (rgb-color r g b) Return an 'Internet color string" encoding the colors r, g, and b.
rgb-color-encoding (rgb-color-encoding . color-pars) Return a color encoding (a string of length seven such as "#123456") of color-pars.
rgb-color-list (rgb-color-list color-triple-list) Returns the color encoding of (list r g b) given a list of three color numbers as parameter.
rgb-color? (rgb-color? x) Is x a LAML color
silver silver A color constant.
tetal tetal A color constant.
white white A color constant.
yellow yellow A color constant.

1 Primary color encoding function.
The function in this section, rgb-color-encoding, accepts a variety of different color formats as input. It returns a string of length seven, such as "#ff00ff". The output format is the primary color representation in most web contexts.

Form (rgb-color-encoding . color-pars)
Description Return a color encoding (a string of length seven such as "#123456") of color-pars. The color-pars parameter(s) to this function are very versatile.

If it is a color encoding string already, just return it.
If it is a color value which satisfies the predicate rgb-color?, return the encoding of this value.
If it is a symbol, return the color encoding bound to it.
If it is a string, transform it to a symbol and return the color encoding bound to it.
If it is a list like (list 1 2 3), consider it as a red-green-blue list, and return the color encoding of it.
If it is three individiual parameters, say r, g, and b, return the color encoding of red r, green g, and blue b.

If you care about efficiency, use can consider to use the function rgb-color instead of rgb-color-encoding.

Returns A string of length 7 of the format "#rrggbb".
See also more efficient functions rgb-color rgb-color-list

2 Secondary color encoding functions.
The functions in this section only work with the old version of the color representation. This is the untagged list representation, such as '(255 0 0).

For new development, the function make-rgb-color should be used together with the color encoding function rgb-color-encoding.

Form (rgb-color r g b)
Description Return an 'Internet color string" encoding the colors r, g, and b.
Parameters r The amount of red - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
g The amount of green - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
b The amount of blue - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
Returns A string of length 7 of the form "#rrggbb".

Form (rgb-color-list color-triple-list)
Description Returns the color encoding of (list r g b) given a list of three color numbers as parameter.
Parameters color-triple-list A list of length 3. Each element of the list is a decimal integer between 0 and 255.
Returns A string of length 7 of the form "#rrggbb".

3 Color constructor, predicate, and selectors.
The function make-rgb-color is the primary color constructor in LAML-based software. The predidate and the selectors only work with make-rgb-color. The function make-color is an old version of the constructor.

Form (make-rgb-color r g b)
Description Make and return a color represented by a red, green and blue constituent. This is the primary color constructor of LAML-based software.
Parameters r The amount of red - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
g The amount of green - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
b The amount of blue - a decimal number between 0 and 255.
Returns A tagged list of color numbers.
See also conversion function rgb-color-encoding

Form (rgb-color? x)
Description Is x a LAML color

Form (red-of-rgb-color color)
Description Return the red constituent of the LAML color.
Parameters color A color constructed with make-rgb-color.
See also color constructor make-rgb-color

Form (green-of-rgb-color color)
Description Return the green constituent of the color.
Parameters color A color constructed with make-rgb-color.
See also color constructor make-rgb-color

Form (blue-of-rgb-color color)
Description Return the blue constituent of the color.
Parameters color A color constructed with make-rgb-color.
See also color constructor make-rgb-color

Form (make-color r g b)
Description Make and return the rgb-list representation of the color with r red, g green, and b blue. This is an old version of the color contructor.
Note Deprecated. Use make-rgb-color.

4 Color constants.
To stay backward compatible with a substantial amount of older LAML software, all color constants are bound to the old LAML color representation. Thus, for instance, the value of red is (255 0 0), and not (rgb-color 255 0 0). As an important observation, the primary color encoding function, rgb-color-encoding, accepts the value of the color constants as input (besides a number of other kinds of input).

Form red
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form dark-red
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form green
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form green1
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form green2
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form blue
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form white
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form black
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form yellow
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form purple
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form light-blue
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form blue1
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form blue2
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form blue3
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form orange
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form dark-yellow
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form grey1
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form grey2
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form brown
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form maroon
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form grey
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form silver
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form tetal
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form aqua
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form lime
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form olive
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form navy
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Form fuchsia
Description A color constant. A color is represented as a list of integers of length three (rgb).

Generated: Monday, November 14, 2011, 09:23:52
Generated by LAML SchemeDoc using LAML Version 38.0 (November 14, 2011, full)