Kurt Nørmarks Homepage

Lektor Emeritus (på pension fra 1.8.2022).
Department of Computer Science
Aalborg University
Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
DK-9220 Aalborg

E-mail: normark@cs.aau.dk
Homepage: http://people.cs.aau.dk/~normark/
Description Year Language Format Notes
Functional Programming in Scheme 2015 English HTML Slides covering functional programming in Scheme - part of a course in programming paradigms
Programming in C++ 2014 English HTML Slides covering C++ in six lectures - based on Stroustrup's book "The C++ Programming Language", fourth edition.
Object-oriented Programming in C# - for C and Java programmers 2010 English HTML/ PDF Textbook about Object-oriented Programming in C#. Includes slides. PDF version revised February 5, 2010. Now with a single, complete PDF file of the text book.
Programming in C 2005 Danish HTML/ PDF Introductory coverage of C programming. Including slides (2005 edition). Comes with a single, complete PDF file of the text book (2005 edition, in Danish).
Updated 2016 version of the slides - without textbook.
Functional Programming in Scheme - with web programming examples 2003 English HTML/ PDF Textbook and slides. Now with a single, complete PDF file of the text book.
Object-oriented programming in Java 2001 Danish HTML Slides about OOP in Java.
Object-oriented programming in Eiffel. Algorithms and datastructures. 1994 Danish PDF Annotated slides about OOP in Eiffel.
Lecture notes about dynamic languages and environments 1996 Danish PDF Annotated slides. Includes coverage of Smalltalk and CLOS. Also lectures about garbage collection.
Programming in Pascal 1997 Danish PDF Slides