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Program 1

/* We care about the scope of f, local and g.
   The program also illustrates a couple of scope-related problems */

#include <stdio.h>

void f(int a);           /* Scope of f includes main */

int main(void) {
  double local = 5.1;    /* Scope of local is the main block */

  g(local, 6.0F);        /* ERROR: The scope of g does not include this point */
  return 0;

void f(int arg){
  int local = 6;         /* The scope of local is the block of f     */
  f(arg - local);        /* OK - both f, arg, and local are in scope */

void g(double f, float arg){
  f(5);                  /* ERROR: The scope of the function f */
                         /* does not include this point.       */
                         /* Hole in the scope of function f    */