Exercise 12-3 - CBD page 424 - Kurt Nørmark og Lone Leth Thomsen

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct restaurant {
        char *name;
        char *address;
        int average_cost;
        char *type_of_food;
typedef struct restaurant restaurant;

restaurant my_restaurants[] =
      {"Maxies", "Bredgade 2", 205, "fisk"},
      {"Minies", "Tyvej 22", 100, "kinesisk"},
      {"Fiskies", "Jyllandsgade 23", 150, "fisk"},
      {"Blondies", "Fredrik Bajers Vej 122", 117, "fisk"},
      {"Brownies", "Bredgade 2222", 502, "fisk"}

int compare_cost(const void *ell1, const void *ell2){
        restaurant *el1 = (restaurant*)ell1;
        restaurant *el2 = (restaurant*)ell2;
        if (el1 ->average_cost == el2->average_cost) return 0;
        else if (el1->average_cost < el2->average_cost) return -1;
        else return 1;

/* print the name of those restaurants with food of kind.
   Sort the restaurants according to prices. n is the number of restaurants passed. */

void print_food(char *kind, restaurant restaurants[], int n){
  int i;


   for (i=0; i < n; i++)
     if (!strcmp(kind,restaurants[i].type_of_food)) printf("%s\n",restaurants[i].name);        


int main(void){
  int number_of_restaurants = sizeof(my_restaurants)/sizeof(restaurant);
  print_food("fisk", my_restaurants, number_of_restaurants);


struct restaurant {
        char *name;
        char *address;
        int average_cost;
        char *type_of_food;
typedef struct restaurant restaurant;
defines a structure used to describe a restaurant including name, address, average cost and type of food

restaurant my_restaurants[] =
      {"Maxies", "Bredgade 2", 205, "fisk"},
      {"Minies", "Tyvej 22", 100, "kinesisk"},
      {"Fiskies", "Jyllandsgade 23", 150, "fisk"},
      {"Blondies", "Fredrik Bajers Vej 122", 117, "fisk"},
      {"Brownies", "Bredgade 2222", 502, "fisk"}
Declares a variable my_restaurants as an array of restaurants. Please notice the nice initializer.

int compare_cost(const void *ell1, const void *ell2){
        restaurant *el1 = (restaurant*)ell1;
        restaurant *el2 = (restaurant*)ell2;
        if (el1 ->average_cost == el2->average_cost) return 0;
        else if (el1->average_cost < el2->average_cost) return -1;
        else return 1;
Defines a function compare_cost that compares the average_cost field of two pointers to elements of type restaurant. The function returns 0 if they are equal, -1 if the first is the smallest and 1 otherwise. Before the comparison is carried out a type cast is performed. This looks strange, but later on the compare_cost function will be given as an argument to the library function qsort, and qsort has certain type requirements (see p. 546).

void print_food(char *kind, restaurant restaurants[], int n){
  int i;


   for (i=0; i < n; i++)
     if (!strcmp(kind,restaurants[i].type_of_food)) printf("%s\n",restaurants[i].name);        

A function which sorts the restaurants, and print those of a given kind.

int main(void){
  int number_of_restaurants = sizeof(my_restaurants)/sizeof(restaurant);
  print_food("fisk", my_restaurants, number_of_restaurants);
The main function which just calls print_food. Notice the way we calculate the number of restaurants by means of the sizeof operator.

The result of the program is

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