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Program 2

// Alternative version where the map is traversed with a range-for statement.
// Read strings and counts from standard input, and keep track of the
// sum for a particular string in the map. Also calculate the final total.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

void readitems(map<string, int> &m){
 string word;
 int val;
 while (cin >> word >> val)
   m[word] += val;                 // Relies on the default map value initialization.

int main(){
  map<string,int> str_count;       // All values in the map are initialized to 0.


  int total = 0;
  // Accumulating total - and printing - via use of range-for:
  for(auto element: str_count){    // C++11
    total += element.second;
    cout << element.first << "\t\t" << element.second << endl;

  cout << "-------------------------\ntotal\t\t" << total << endl;