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Program 1

// Use of the Select template struct for selection anmong a number of different types.
// Select corresponds to the switch control structure.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "" 

// Integer<N>::type is an integer type of N bytes:    (4ed, page 782)
template<int N>
struct Integer{
  using Error = void;
  using type = Select<N, 
                       Error,           // 0 selects Error (void)
                       signed char,     // 1 selects singed char
                       short int,       // 2 selects short int
                       Error            // 3 selects Error (void)

int main(){
  using namespace std;

  typename Integer<1>::type i = 65;    // similar to:   unsigned char i = 10;  // 'A'
  typename Integer<2>::type j = 66;    // similar to:   short int j = 8;

  cout << "i: " << i << " of size: " << sizeof(i) << endl;   // i: A of size 1
  cout << "j: " << j << " of size: " << sizeof(j) << endl;   // j: 66 of size 2