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Lecture 4

Abstraction Mechanisms, Part 1

Kurt Nørmark
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Title page            Abstract            References from this lecture            Exercises in this lecture            Source programs in this lecture            

Page 1Classes, structs and namespacesPage 21Preventing object copying
Page 2Class basicsPage 22Classes and Conversion
Page 3Functions and variables outside classesPage 23Implicit Conversion
Page 4ConstructorsPage 24Classes and Conversion: Examples
Page 5Constructors - examplesPage 25Static class members
Page 6More about constructorsPage 26Const member functions
Page 7Examples of explicit, deleted, and defaulted constructorsPage 27Const member functions - const and mutable
Page 8Use of constructorsPage 28Object Self-reference
Page 9Move Constructors - C++11Page 29Inline member functions
Page 10Use of move constructorsPage 30Concrete classes
Page 11DestructorsPage 31Visibility and Access Control
Page 12A class that needs a destructorPage 32Friends
Page 13Resource acquisition is initialization - RAIIPage 33Friends - Example 1
Page 14Smart pointers in C++11: unique_ptr and shared_ptrPage 34Friends - Example 2
Page 15Example use of unique_ptr and shared_ptrPage 35Friends - class Point - notational convenience
Page 16Other examples of unique_ptrPage 36Friends - Class Point - operator friends
Page 17About use of smart pointers in C++11Page 37Friends - Class Point - implicit conversion
Page 18Copying Point objects in parameter passingPage 38Discussion - Encapsulation, Visibility and Access
Page 19Example of copying objects: Default copyingPage 39Operator overloading
Page 20Example of copying objects: Programmed copyingPage 40Example: Operator overloading in class Point

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