Finn Verner Jensen


Welcome to my home page. (Dansk udgave). I am a professor emeritus at the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark. You may continue from here to my CV, my publications, or to the pages on the two textbooks An Introduction to Bayesian Networks  and  Bayesian Networks and Decision Graps (Springer-Verlag, NY 2001) second edition with Thomas D. Nielsen as co-author.


A connection of special interest to my home page is Hugin, which is the name of the Bayesian networks shell that I designed together with Stig Kjær Andersen and Kristian G. Olesen. Hugin is also the name of the company we founded together with Steffen Lauritzen and Steen Andreassen for the marketing of the shell.


My private activities are grouped into amateur theatre and sports (over the years, the sports activities are decreasing). I take an active part in the company Brønderslev Amatør Scene, the cinema BASbio and the movie production group BASfilm. I have been a member of the national board (Hovedudvalg) for Dansk Amatør Teater Samvirke (DATS), and a chairman of the Vendsyssel section of DATS.

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