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Lecture Title Date Time Room
1 Introduction to Parallel Computing
Parallel Programming Platforms
Fr 16/2/07 12h30-16h15 B3-104
2 Introduction to the Case-Study
The PRAM Model
Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms
On 21/2/07 8h15-12h A4-108
3 Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms cont.,
Programming Shared Address Space Platforms
On 28/2/07 8h15-12h A4-108
4 POSIX threads cont.
Hints for assignment 3
Fr 2/3/07 8h15-12h B3-104
5 Communication Costs in Parallel Machines
Process-Processor Mapping
Preliminaries to Parallel Algorithm Design
On 7/3/07 8h15-12h 4.110 KS3
6 Decomposition Techniques and Tasks
Mapping Techniques for Load Balancing
Methods for Containing Interaction Overheads
Parallel Algorithm Models
Fr 9/3/07 8h15-12h B3-104
7 More help for assignment 3
Programming Using the Message Passing Paradigm
On 14/3/07 8h15-12h A4-108
8 MPI cont.
MPI in our model-checker
Fr 16/3/07 8h15-12h B3-104
9 Basic Communication Operations
On 21/3/07 8h15-12h A4-108
10 Communication Operations cont. Fr 23/3/07 8h15-12h B3-104
11 Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs On 28/3/07 8h15-12h 4.112 KS3
12 Sorting Fr 30/3/07 8h15-12h B3-104
13 Clusters & GRID (Henrik) On 18/4/07 8h15-12h A4-108
14 Dense Matrix Algorithms On 25/4/07 8h15-12h A4-108
15 Graph Algorithms Fr 27/4/07 8h15-12h B3-104
MVP6: 4.110 at Kroghstræde 3.
MVP11: 4.112 at Kroghstræde 3.
The schedule is preliminary and will be changed.
Since the exercises count in your assignments, no solution will be provided unless you all finish them.

Lecture 1: Introduction to Parallel Computing, Parallel Programming Platforms.

Abstract: In this lecture, I present the course, its goals, the textbook, etc... Then I start the course with an introduction to parallelism, motivating parallelism and presenting its scope. I start the chapter on parallel programming platforms that will serve mostly as an introduction to parallelism from the hardware aspects.

Reading: Pointers and memory, Chapter 1, Sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.

Material: C introduction, introduction slides.

Exercises: During this first exercise session, you are expected to refresh your skills in C by looking at the C introduction slides on your own and by doing the following exercises:

This is the first half of assignment 1.

Lecture 2: Introduction to the Case-Study, The PRAM Model, Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms.

Abstract: I present the case-study that will be used later for a series of assignments. You can download it here. Then, I introduce the architecture of an ideal parallel computer, known as the PRAM model. I use extra material from Sven Skyum to present Brent's scheduling principle and go through examples on sorting and merging. I complete (maybe) on the networked connection of parallel computers.

Reading: Skyum's lecture notes and Section 2.4.

Material: Model-checker case-study, Introduction to Parallel Algorithms Sven Skyum (BRICS Lecture Series) -- typo p6, read "O(n/lg n) processors" instead of "O(nlg n) processors" --, PRAM/Organization slides.

Exercises: Exercises 2.1 (design only, implementation is optional), 2.2, and 2.3. This completes assignment 1.

Assignment 1: Exercises of lecture 1 and lecture 2. All exercises are compulsory unless stated otherwise. Deadline March 7th.

Lecture 3: Physical Organization of Parallel Platforms cont., Programming Shared Address Space Platforms

Abstract: I finish the part on physical organization of parallel platforms and start (in parallel) pthread programming. From now on we'll have two threads in the course running in parallel, one on theory, one on practice.

Reading: Sections 2.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5.

Material: Pthread slides.

Exercises: Exercise 2.10. Questions on the the case-study (see previous lecture):

Lecture 4: POSIX Threads cont., Hints for Assignment 3.

Abstract: I finish Pthreads and I give you help on how to parallelize the model-checker. The slides are not here, you are expected to find your own solution.

Reading: Chapter 7.

Material: Slides from the previous lecture.

Exercises: Exercise 2.17.

Assignment 2: Exercises of lecture 3 and lecture 4. Please do the exercise on the case-study as soon as possible! Note: The model-checker has been updated to be more modular. Deadline March 16th.

Lecture 5: Communication Costs in Parallel Machines, Process-Processor Mapping, Preliminaries to Parallel Algorithm Design.

Abstract: I discuss different communication costs (message passing and shared adress space), the impact of process-processor mapping, and start on parallel algorithm design (decomposition techniques of apparently sequential algorithm into parallel algorithms).

Reading: Sections 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 3.1.

Material: Communication costs slides, process-processor mapping slides, algorithm design slides.

Assignment 3: The model-checker has been updated with a pthread utility support library to help you for this assignment.

Note: There is a modelchecker.help.c file that you are expected to use for the exercise.

Lecture 6: Decomposition Techniques and Tasks. Mapping Techniques for Load Balancing, Methods for Containing Interaction Overheads, Parallel Algorithm Models.

Abstract: I continue on parallel algorithm design, treating characteristics of tasks and their interactions and mapping techniques. The point is to use techniques to minimize interaction.

Reading: Chapter 3.

Material: Algorithm design slides (from last time) and new slides (for today).

Exercises: Continue on assignment 3.

Lecture 7: Help for Assignment 3, Programming Using the Message Passing Paradigm.

Abstract: I present the API of pthread_utils.h for those who still haven't got its overview and you have the opportunity to use part of the lecture to ask questions and get any issue concerning the assignment clarified. I start on MPI then.

Reading: Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5.

Material: Help slides and MPI slides.

Exercises: Continue on assignment 3. Deadline March 28th.

Lecture 8: MPI cont., MPI in our Model-checker.

Abstract: I finish MPI and I discuss problems and solutions related to parallelizing our model-checker using MPI. This is to prepare assignment 5.

Reading: Chapter 6 and section 11.4.4.

Material: previous MPI slides and the model-checker slides.

Exercises: 3.2, 3.7, and 3.21. [Optional: 2.24, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13]

Solutions: solutions for the optional exercises.

Lecture 9: Basic Communication Operations.

Abstract: I start chapter 4. It's about how to implement collective communication operations that we saw during the lectures on MPI. There are interesting algorithms for that.

Reading: Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4.

Material: slides.

Exercises: 4.1 and 4.5.

Assignment 4: Exercises of lectures 8 and 9. Deadline April 18th (2 weeks extra because some of you are "traveling").

Lecture 10: Basic Communication Operations cont.

Abstract: I finish chapter 4.

Reading: Sections 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7.

Material: slides from last time. You may be interested in the tutorial page of LAM/MPI.

Assignment 5: This assignment is split on 3 exercise sessions (that do not necessarily map to the following 3 sections for the exercises). There is very little coding to be made but on the other side, you need to read and analyse quite some code. The model-checker has been updated for MPI. Questions:

The debug versions of the model-checker are available on my account on the system in MVP/.

Note: Progress is not implemented at this time. You should not add it.

Lecture 11: Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs.

Abstract: I treat chapter 5. This chapter looks scary but it's not! It's actually very interesting.

Reading: Chapter 5.

Material: slides.

Exercises: Continue exercise from lecture 10. [Optional exercise 4.3].

Solution: exercise 4.3.

Lecture 12: Sorting.

Abstract: Sorry for swapping Dense matrix algorithms and sorting at the last minute but I just realized that SW6 will need the lecture on matrices. I will discuss different issues in sorting on parallel computers, present some well-known (sequential) sorting algorithms and their parallel versions.

Reading: Chapter 9.

Material: slides.

Exercises: Finish exercise from lecture 10. Deadline for asssignment 5: 27th April. [Optional exercises 5.1 and 5.2].

Solutions: exercises 5.1 and 5.2.

Lecture 13: Clusters & GRID

Abstract: Henrik Thostrup will hold this lecture.

Reading: Paper about GRID - get the basic concepts out of it.

Material: slides part 1 and part 2.

Exercises (Assignment 6, part 1): Study the scalability of your implementations, in particular

Lecture 14: Dense Matrix Algorithms.

Abstract: I go through dense matrix algorithms for matrix*vector and matrix*matrix multiplications. I give the idea of parallel versions of Gauss' elimination algorithm.

Reading: Chapter 8.

Material: slides.

Exercises (Cluster/GRID - Assignment 6, part 2):

Deadline 11th of May for assignment 6.

Assignment 7 (SW6 only): In this directory you will find

Your task is to make a Pthread *or* MPI version of gaussian_solver.c where you have to parallelize the solver itself and its built-in identity checker. The standalone check_id.c is provided for testing. To do so, use a row partitioning with a cyclic distribution of rows around processes to ensure some minimal load balancing. Since the solver is implementing the Gaussian method with pivoting, it is more difficult to implement the pipeline algorithm as described in the book so do not do it. Getting it right with pivoting is enough. You may want to add a second inv_index array to the solver to get the inverse mapping of index.
The MPI version is recommended. It is recommended you do it in groups. You may generate your own test matrices of different sizes. Test your program. Run experiments. Deadline 31st of May.

Lecture 15: Graph Algorithms.

Abstract: I treat of some parallel algorithms for dense graphs.

Reading: Sections 10.1 to 10.6.

Material: slides.

Exercises: Finish your completions if any.